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Recently my life took a whole different turn!

My sister moved to Ohio and I volunteered to look after her two dogs Lucy and Paris.  I thought taking care of two dogs that I already knew and loved would be easy.  Turns out this it is really hard and can get a bit crazy at times.  But most of the time it is lots of fun and is truly an adventure.  Lucy and Paris make me laugh, cry and scream but no matter what... they are always SUPER excited to see me when I get home everyday. 

Brooklyn is my dog and came to me after Lucy and Paris.  Her story is a God thing and I am so very thankful.

My sister found Brooklyn sitting on her porch one night when she came back into the house.  My sister took her in and found a place for her to eat, sleep and play everyday.  She took her to the vet and was told that she had been abused and needed to rest.  A few weeks went by and no one claimed her.  For me I wanted a dog of my own but wasn't sure if it was a smart idea to add another dog to the mix PLUS she would be flying from Ohio to Florida and that would cost me at least $160 that I did not have. 

Well the rest is history but the first day I met Brooklyn I was so nervous.  I had never seen her before because I could never get a clear photo and my sister did not know what kind of dog she was so I could not find a "like" photo.  So when she arrived at the airport her little carrier was given to me and the first thing I saw was her tiny black paw.  Since then I have been in love with her.  She is the most amazing dog!  She is always happy and she is house broken! LOL

So life is definately different everyday when you have three dogs and no experience raising even a goldfish.  Each day one of dogs teaches me a new lesson about life and unconditional love!

Meet Paris:  Paris is a three-year-old poodle who seems to think two things "I'm hungry!" and "That belongs to me!"  I love it! Whenever I cook she stays in the kitchen like my little sous chef and if I'm cooking something really good she pulls her favorite begging routine of crying and literaly shaking like she is dying of starvation.  This works every time!   Don't let the cute face fool you she is the ring leader of all the trouble the three dogs get in to and she will only listen to a command if it has met all her requirements {clean and only for Paris}. 

Meet Lucy:  Lucy is the youngest of the three dogs but the biggest in size.  She has LOTS of energy and will chase down anyone or anything if it moves.  She is super sweet and extremely loyal.  She follows me everywhere and anywhere I go.  If she had it her way she would never leave my side!  She barks and growls at all noises that are not inside the house and she will run to me and run to the window then back to me until I do something about the person or thing that is making the unexpected noise. 

Lucy is also known as "Nurse Lucy" because when my little nephew was born she took care of him like he was her own.  When he slept she laid at the foot of his crib and if she heard him start to stir she would get up and wake my sister up!  She is so smart and so lovable and feels like a real-live teddy bear! 

Meet Brooklyn:  Brooklyn is my little "Bunnie Wabbit" I love her so much!  She is so very sweet and she knows that she can never get in to trouble!  She is still getting used to Lucy and Paris but she has picked up a few tricks from them and occasionally runs with the pack and breaks into the trashcan!  Brooklyn has truly been a blessing to me and her happy spirit reminds me to just keep smiling and take on challenges that are much bigger than me!